Friday, November 21, 2008

I think I've decided.

After much thought and horrendously traumatic contemplation, I've decided to double major in music and theater. It may sound crazy, but in actuality, the workload is not so bad. I've mapped out my schedule for next semester, and it's mostly really fun classes that I'm sure I'll grow and learn a ton from and won't have too much work outside class time. I'll be taking Intro to Acting, Voice for Majors (Theater majors that is), Production and Reproduction (a class where I'll learn to use Pro-tools and how to mic concerts and recording sessions properly), First Year Seminar and two dance classes. I'm soooo excited!!! I'll have so much outside class time to be creative and I'll only have one class that I'll have to write papers for. By majoring in both, I can get free private music lessons, and I'll have a much better chance of being cast in plays. The theater department is really high-quality and a tad competitive, which is a good thing, I think. All of the actors (excluding one...) I've seen in plays here at Bard have been excellent. Yay!


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